Thanks Sophie, we both had a really amazing time. You really made the trip an educational, fun and thought provoking experience.
— Mr Noble, London, UK
Just a short message to express our gratitude and heartfelt thanks for the bespoke tour you organised for myself and family members, that enabled us to pay our respects to Great Uncle George at his graveside. The organisation was totally professional, and all connections seamless. We would also like you to pass our thanks and appreciation onto your guide Paul who was nothing short of brilliant. All members of the group agreed that the tour was probably more than we expected, and this was in no small way due to the research and knowledge that Paul brought to the trip.
I could go on at length about how much we all enjoyed the tour, but all I will say once again, is many many thanks. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your company all the best for the future. I’m sure you can be assured that anyone travelling with Sophie’s Great War Tours will not be disappointed.
— Mr Corbett, Newcastle, United Kingdom
An exceptional journey, truly worth the investment! Our group of Canadian entrepreneurs was guided through Northern France by Nick and Sophie in search of a unique and unforgettable adventure. A number of us had family members who had served in both World Wars., and Sophie expertly crafted the experience to honor their memory. this remarkable boutique company is fueled by a deep passion for history. We were thoroughly delighted by this tailor made experience, the carefully chosen hotels by Sophie and the excellent dining recommendations.
— Mr Ferguson, Calgary, Canada
Sophie - a truly fabulous, once in a lifetime experience - never to be forgotten.

The tour was perfectly tailored to what my son and I were looking for. We got a huge amount from it; your deep knowledge, passion, expertise and patience shone through. We saw so much, packing a huge amount into two days across Verdun and the Somme, and yet we never felt rushed and always able to go and explore whatever we wanted at our own pace and following our areas of interest. The films, audio and physical exhibits you shared did a great job in bringing the story and setting to life and I also really appreciated you following up with the maps of both battles.

At times a very moving, humbling experience, but always sensitively handled throughout; a trip that will stay with us forever. Thank you. Finally, I can’t think of a better recommendation than to say we’ll be back for Belgium next year!
— Mr Cannon, Manchester, United Kingdom
I wanted to write and thank you both for the most amazing weekend on the battlefields of the Somme last weekend. It was immediately clear once we met you that we had made the right call to hook up with you for our tour, not that I hadn’t expected anything less given our correspondence in the lead up.

The great thing as we said on Saturday evening was that the tour and your expert research put in to context the whole story of Eric and his time on the Somme in particular, and his time with the Queen’s Royal Surreys more broadly. It brought it all to life. In fact Mum said to me last night “Gradually getting back to normal after our amazing weekend. These things change your life”. Praise indeed for the care and attention you gave, and I cannot thank you enough for making it special for Mum.

It is an extraordinary thing that you do for people. Mum alluded to the experience changing lives, and I would agree, although it is an intangible thing that I haven’t quite pinned down yet. But there is no doubt that stories such as ours, like the others I am sure, are deeply personal, so you have to be the ‘right’ person to get inside and share that, and bring it to life. You two definitely are, and you have a wonderfully empathic talent to be able to do that - not many can, and it is a rare privilege. Also, you both know that the importance of ‘telling the story’ of our veterans and former conflicts becomes ever more important as they fade out of living memory. I cannot thank you enough for providing that service for people such as us.

I very much hope we will stay friends. Thank you again for everything that you did for us. A life enriching experience.
— Mr Dawson, Hampshire, United Kingdom
I am at CDG still reveling in the wonderful memories you provided. I cannot thank you enough. I looked forward to the journey for a long time. You made sure it exceeded all expectations. More than that, each of us came away with two new friends whom we intend to keep. That is the good news for us. The bad news for you is othat you are stuck with us.
— Mr Barbour, Washington DC, USA
I just wanted to send a follow up email following our trip in November to reiterate our thanks, it was an amazing weekend and one we’ll be reflecting on for a long time!
— Miss Lane, Reading, United Kingdom
Just a few lines to say thank you for organising and providing my tour around Arras and the Somme. I feel very fortunate to have had your help and support both during and before the trip.

As I have said before, I have been meaning to take a trip to the battlefields for many years but never quite made it. Partly working and raising kids and partly because none of the tours I saw advertised actually matched what I wanted to do. It was great to be able to plan the trip, when I wanted to go, where I wanted to go and see what I wanted to see.

I am incredibly grateful for Jo’s knowledge which added tremendous added value to the trip.
— Mr Pate, Scotland
We wanted to send a quick note to tell you how much we enjoyed our tour with Edwin as our guide. As soon as we got in the car we realized Edwin was well prepared and had researched the details of my dad’s time in this area. He knew so many facts and insights as to why my dad’s unit was where they were and cleared up some of my own misconceptions.

I loved seeing all the countryside and many small towns of western Germany. The tour is still fresh in my mind, and new feelings and insights are popping up every day for me. As a young girl, I remember how much peace being out in the countryside gave my dad, and I can imagine the rolling hills and topography of the towns in western Germany reminded my dad of his home very much. And maybe that gave him some happiness and peace during war years. That is my hope.

Many thanks to you and your group and especially to Edwin for his research, knowledge and care for us.
— Mrs Tuttle, USA
I fully recommend Sophie’s Great War Tours based on our family’s experience touring Verdun and the Marne. Sophie and Steve visited the right spots and provided simple to understand maps and explanations to make the battles coherent and vivid in our minds. Our tour was totally bespoke. The booking and tour were conducted professionally and with an attitude of doing what it takes to satisfy our interests.
— Mr Esperne, Massachusetts, USA
We loved travelling with you, please stay in touch.
— Mrs Flanders, Arizona, USA
Sophie enabled me to fulfil a very long held desire to keep a personal hundred year anniversary of my grandfather’s First World War service. The area involved was away from the usual historical sites, but she had researched it in detail and was able to discover the exact location. Moreover, with very little to go on, she had traced the actions in which my grandfather was involved both before and after the significant date. Although my grandfather told many stories about his war experience, he had never hinted about his engagement in close combat. Sophie’s research, and the way she relayed it on site, has radically transformed my understanding of what he went through. Sophie and her father, Steve, who drove and is also highly knowledgeable, gave very pleasant and interesting company. They had devised a short programme of other site visits to put my grandfather’s service in context.
— Mrs Powell, Manchester, United Kingdom
Each visit to the battlefields is amazing. Thanks @Sophie_1WWTours . I made a point choosing you as guide
— Rogerio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The tour was top notch in every way, and it has provided us with memories that will last a lifetime. We are happy and grateful travellers
— Eric, Mary, Moira, Andy & David, USA
Sophie is a brilliant tour guide and is very passionate about the tours she is on. Will recommend all to visit these historic sites with her as the guide. You will not be disappointed.
— Mr Miah, London, United Kingdom
I found the tour interesting, moving and thoughtful. Sophie’s description of the places in which we were standing truly helped me to visualise what the landscape might have looked like 100 years ago - muddy, war-torn, a mass of trenches. The talk also personalised the history, which I find so important. It meant that the thousands of graves in Tyne Cot Cemetery became people again, even those whose headstone simply states ‘A Soldier of the Great War’. Sophie’s description of the sacrifices and bravery these men had shown made me quite emotional, and made me extremely proud of my own grandfather, who I know fought somewhere on the front. It was an unforgettable day and I would certainly consult Sophie on more extended tours in this area. Highly recommended.
— Miss Dalziel, London, United Kingdom
Just like to thank you for a very enlightening day yesterday. It was my first ever visit to any First World War site and it certainly opened my eyes.
— Mr Brinson, Kent, United Kingdom
Highly insightful, very knowledgeable group leader, with a very clear passion and emotive for her subject. Sophie takes you to the Battle Fields not just visually but mentally as well. Great value for money.
— Mr Coombes, Bristol, United Kingdom
It was a delight to have you as a guide. I have visited Tyne Cot three times and your briefing was the best, concise and clearest I have witnessed.
— Mr Tootle, Deputy Lieutenant, Kent, United Kingdom
The tour was fascinating, moving, humbling experience and one I shall remember for a very long time. Thank you!
— Mr Fordham, London, United Kingdom
Let me thank you for your excellent running commentary during the recent Ypres trip. Your knowledge was quite amazing.
— Mr King, Kent, United Kingdom